“Debt-Based” Lifestyle = Debased?

There are times I find myself (was I ever lost?  Ohhhh yessss) wandering the shopping aisles, perusing about for goods&services for fam and self and ultimately leaving the store/marketplace with nothing.

How nice.

Don’t spend.  If spend, spend wisely.

No better advice.  thank YOU!!!

If I’m still thinking about the whatever thing on the seventh day after I’ve seen the whatever thing, then I go get it.

Bought a car that way,    still sitting in the yard, still needs about $2000+ worth of repairs (and aftermarket AC but hey, it’s a stick), still a great buy.  Why?

Because it’s investing in theKid.

See, theKid likes the car, doesn’t want me to murder it out with ghostflames and Mickey Thompsons … which I would, but for theKid.

See, theKid will be driving this car, likely until this car dies on the side of the road, and thus theKid will not start out with a $40K car note. 

Also not going to have student loan debt but that’s Half’s department.

Saw a posting recently that this person made $300K/annual and had $170K in car notes.

Wat.  Apparently, this is why Musk is the richest man in the world.  That, and being an anus …
“Chief Twit” indeed.  Whatever.

My point?  Sometimes spending wisely in the short term results in a long term win.  But not college, don’t go to college.  $100K in student debt to make complicated coffee for influencers is truly the second circle of hell.  Nothanks, and working towards making sure that ain’t theKid’s future, either.

Still difficult, tho’ … handling daily (momentally?) household bills/debt/spending with “don’t spend/if spend/spend wisely” and having to cover a piece of Half’s expenses as well … strains the pockets a bit, but hey … better to marry than to burn.  {1 Corin. 7:9}

And truth be told (always—not) if not for Half’s rationale money thinking, methinks me’d be an apartment dweller, or pr’aps even living out of a car … not the one I just bought but worse (shudder).

Guy was living out of his car after his wife cheated on him and kicked him out … then she set his car on fire with what was left of his possessions inside.

That’s the thing … the stuff we own winds up owing us thank you Tyler Durden … and we in turn get owned by a system of debt designed to enslave the unwary, sort of like Solomon Northup but without the happy ending. 

The best advice I can give theKid (and share with You, Other Person You) is to eschew obfuscation (I kid, I bleat, I baaaa) but seriously … construct one’s life in such a way to avoid debt, in all forms. 

School?  Scholarship, and savings

House?  Start small, save large, and build up

Business?  Investors/other people’s money

Everything else?  Cash, baby. 

But then again, Costco gas doesn’t take cash, as don’t many spots. 
Sooooo … debit card account with set $$$ spending?  That works, too.

Just say no to debt.  Drugs are totally OK (I kid, I kid, I bleat, I baaaa) but debt? 
Give that one a hard, fast, permanent and final “no.”  Life is better lived without it. 

But if you’re already in it, then what? See above.