Never Concede Defeat (Unless You Lost Then Yes)

OK so with the holiday season looming, I took a look at the debt repayment/satisfaction progress and … well.  Not so good. The rules still apply — Don’t Spend If Spend Spend Wisely — as well as the 7Qs … however, despite, nevertheless, unfortunately, well … progress has … not halted, not exactly, but shall …

Like Clockwork … or Herpes

The holidays are inflicted upon us, once again, as the year draws to a close. Mayhap guessed … not a fan of the annual spending traditions. Food prices are up eleventy-million percent, gas is worse (if that is even possible), and average ‘Murricans are expected to repeat the debt cycle with exorbitant expenditures on meals, …

“Debt-Based” Lifestyle = Debased?

There are times I find myself (was I ever lost?  Ohhhh yessss) wandering the shopping aisles, perusing about for goods&services for fam and self and ultimately leaving the store/marketplace with nothing. How nice. Don’t spend.  If spend, spend wisely. No better advice.  thank YOU!!! If I’m still thinking about the whatever thing on the seventh …

End of Month

Well that was a bummer … onto debt! May have mentioned around these parts that Half and the other half have an … untraditionally traditional lifestyle.  See, Half handles the life/life-sustaining obligations (mortgage, lights, heat, cable/internet — which, funnily enough, is the highest bill after shelter … go figure who knew) and me, the other …

Women: Can’t Live With ‘Em, Can’t Bury ‘Em Out Back

Might be a little late to this (surprisenot) but one of the favorite people I didn’t know died recently, reportedly of a massive heart attack, perhaps even in flagrante delicto … globulos exposite, as it (maybe) were. The really offensive yet wholly unsurprising aspect of his death was the reaction of so many of the …