Debt-Slave v Debt-Free

Just saw that an auto loan is currently cheaper – interest rate wise – than buying a home.

Specifically – 5.85 percent v. 7.09 percent.


What sense does this make oh none at all glad we cleared that up …

A young woman on the Toks of Tik confided that her grandmother gave her some money towards the purchase of a house … $1,500.00, to be exact.

That doesn’t even cover closing costs on a condo. 

Some wise mind at the Heritage Foundation (???) bemoaned and bewailed the “crisis of credentialism,” whereby humans (in ‘Murrica, at least) must have a college/university degree to get even the lowest of the low-paying white collar jobs (see: receptionist/secretary/exec assistant) so young people are spending longer in school, delaying adulthood (with all of its related responsibilities of briding and breeding) which results in a decline in overall fertility for society as a whole.

Guess the masters of mankind failed to really think that one through.  Not surprising.  {Matthew 23:24}

The price of merely existing has become cost-prohibitive, so much so that folks working full-time are living out of their cars because housing is simply not affordable at the wage they’re making.

Living in the car is one solution, but simply where does one poop naked?


Does this end anywhere?

Oh right.  With the death of civilization.  EMP, anyone?  Anyone?

I suppose methinks the message for the younglings – and it seems to be getting through – is that trade skills are more valuable than an overpriced piece of paper, unless medicine or engineering is the forte, so much so that apprenticeships might just be the next professional wave.

Well bully all over them.  Well done, well played.

Get paid to learn, no student loan debt, working wage (assuming the union is solid … big assumption / Jimmy Hoffa is where?) altho’ there is the risk of catastrophic work-related injury (construction deaths hold the top spot for national job fatalities) and Joe the Plumber died of pancreatic cancer (bummer but maybe job-unrelated?) but if you can survive, you can survive. 

And no student loans to forgive … altho’ a couple just recently got a quarter mil’ in student loan debt forgiven that they’d been paying on for 30 years … and don’t forget yours truly (other half) just got relief as well, but in exchange for perpetually low pay so there’s that …

But anyhoo, the current model of school — more-school — job/career — marriage(maybe)-—family(maybe) is not sustainable, and the successive (successful?) generations are starting to find and figure that out.

Starting life in debt is no way to live. 

Tide?  See turn. 

Point? Find work/job/career that doesn’t require debt to obtain.

Your future will thank you. Unless you’re crushed by a beam. But the death benefits are awesome.