Stupid is as Stupid Does, or the Interminable Wisdom of Idiots

The deplorable MTG asked via twit that her followers(?) join her in prayer to end abortion in the US.

She might as well pray for infertility of all women in the country while she’s at it.

Only pregnant women need abortions, for a myriad of reasons, some of which are for convenience, some of which are to save her life … hmmm, and how to balance?

Just ask Texas. 

Speaking of that raging dumpster fire of hypocrisy, recently read that the Texas AG (Ken Paxton, look ‘im up! Maybe say “hi”) argued that a pregnant correctional officer experiencing pain and denied permission to leave her post to go to the hospital did not suffer the loss of a child (exactly) but rather an injury to her pregnancy (specifically), a position seemingly unconcerned with the death of an unborn child.

Well, lookee here, moral relativity concerning the state’s deep pockets … so which is it?

And therein lies the problem … abortion is entirely a matter of perspective.


No argument — none — that children are a blessing {Psalms 104:13} but this exact conundrum, this exact matter of perspective, is probably why GOD left the matter to men and their wives.  {Exodus 21:22}

And if she has no husband then it’s left to her, for whatever reason.

But men, particularly those in power, don’t like that.

And women experiencing misogyny (I see you, Amy Conehead Bullet), like that even less.

The anti-choice army (because it is a war, no doubt) do not oppose abortion because it kills babies.

Lots of things kill babies.  Like poverty.  And guns. Dead babies are not the issue.

Rather, the anti-choice army opposes choice because hoors.

Women are tramps, and pregnancy is the debt women must pay for sex.

I wish they would just say that.

Own it.

Tell women, as a society, that an impregnated female is reduced to second-class citizenry, with the social, legal, and political status of a 18th century slave.

Say that already, put those cards on the table.

Because the ACA is not advocating for universal healthcare, or subsidized contraception/sterilization, or even abstinence for men, but rather opines that once a woman gets pregnant she has to stay there until she gives birth or dies.  Either way, the ACA is pleased.

Because hoors.

And as in pre-Roe is now post-Roe, hoors of means will have the motive and opportunity to terminate unwanted/unhealthy pregnancies while hoors of poor will have to give birth and likely live in poverty or die from complications.  Either way, the ACA gets its satisfaction and its pound of flesh, so to speak.

Because hoors.

But they can’t say that.

They must lie, to obtain/stay in power (I see you SamIAm and all your deceptive, corrupted friends) because the ACA knows/understands the majority of ‘Murricans will not walk in lockstep, and disagrees with most restrictive abortion legislation. (You go, people of Ohio, even though you choose to live in Ohio).

The ACA lost big in Kansas, so the ACA and their ilk seek to disenfranchise the vote and silence the voice. For their own good, of course. The ACA, not pregnant women who don’t want to be, for whatever reason.

Because hoors.