Bring Marshmallows

Just finished a re-read of a great novel … Robert R. McCammon, should look him up.  Writes big epic fiction, lots of immersive fun.  “They Thirst.”  “Swan Song.” Etc.

Latest … “Speaks the Nightbird” about witchery in a small, emerging New World township, pirate’s gold and Jack One Eye (not what you think, you dirty minded you)

Anyhoo, strikes me that social media coupled to cancel culture is the modern equivalent of the Salem witch trials, accusations of witchcraft and cavorting with the devil sans proof, just burn.

Johnny Depp and Amber Turd (just writes itself, don’t it?)

Kevin Spacey (Keyser Soze!!! … “The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”  True, true.)

But, Danny Masterson is looking at 30 years.

And E. Jean Carroll beat Trump twice for manhandling her decades ago without invitation or consent
(I see what you did there).

And so much (like, everything?) is subject to feelings and interpretation … words spoken with one intent interpreted to impose a completely different meaning.  {Titus 1:15}

Coach at Oberlin College just got reassigned for saying the quiet part out loud … that boys at birth should only compete against other boys or those similarly situated.

In response, somebody in the ethersphere complained that a couple years of HRT eliminates the testosterone-based biological advantage, but methinks:  The bones!  What about the bones! 

Archaeologists can look at a human skeleton and determine whether the person is male or female and if female, if she gave birth. So, yah. Differences down to the marrow.

Science can now do womb transplants on TIFs but I don’t think that means what might think it think it means.  All c-sections, all the time.  The pelvic girdle won’t split, unless they break it and the kid comes out … where?!?!

But anyhoo, one must be circumspect with language and behavior in these most modern of times.

A social burning at the stake might not smell as bad or get as hot, but the offender still goes up in flames.