One Big (Un)Happy Family

Not real big on global politics, but this opinion piece caught my eye.

Basically, the drumbeats in the mad jungle that is Congress are starting to pound in dissonance to US support for Ukraine, and how that … war? invasion? whatever … is unwinnable, on all parts, so it’s in the best interests of America (and the world, for that matter) to broker some sort of peace deal between Putin and Ukraine, give the madman some of what he wants to save face, and let Zelenskyy (two y’s?  Really?  That’s cool) announce victory because his entire country wasn’t snatched by the Russians.

Oh, and I just could not love more the fact that the Kremlin had to put out a statement denying any involvement in the plane crash that killed Prigozhin, the one man to seriously challenge Putin in how long?  “Of course we didn’t—don’t look at that!  That has nothing to do with anything—His family has the sincerest of state sympathies for their profound loss.”

And Navalny just got 19 more years in a Soviet-era supermax.  No surprises there.

Anyhoo, moving on what happened to the charges of war crimes against the angry moppet?  The gremlin in the Kremlin?  If the Xi and Kim Jong Un and Biden and whoever else in Europe got Putin and Zelenskyy in a room together and hashed out an end to hostilities, would all those dead soldiers and all those violated men, women, and children just, what, suck it up, for the good of peace?  {James 1:10}

Accountability, anyone?  Anyone?  [crickets]

Because the GitK might be an idiot but he is not stupid … he would have to build his personal amnesty as well as that of his army into any kind of armistice, so … 21st century Hitler (or is that Trump) gets to walk on by? 

Probably so.  The debt owed to world peace is already usurious at this point … so what’s a higher vig?

Another form of debt satisfaction, methinks.  Make the creditors (the Hague?) happy, and it all just goes away.

Kind of like the kid suffering from affluenza … kill a few people driving drunk at 16 in a family company pickup with an intoxicated underage girl, argue money shielded him from appreciating the consequences of his actions … and use money to continue to shield him from appreciating the consequences of his actions.


It gets to the point where a person becomes so much more than their misbehavior (too big to fail?  Anyone?  Anyone?  Ahh yes, crickets) and holding that person to account for crimes is impossible, unworkable.

The oily, musky funk of that African-American Horseman interfered with the Ukranian offensive by ordering his engineers to suspend use of his (yes, his) satellite … we’re to the point where governments are beholden to billionaires.

Perhaps they always have been. 

Well, Baal is an influencer, and with a monetized platform.

Will we ever get some sense?

Likely not.

But hey, at least interest rates didn’t go up again.

Altho’ CA is paying $6 for gas … why?  The dyslexic used BMW salesman demands to know, even as the Dumbocrats push for him to challenge the Cryptkeeper in ‘24.

Ahh, sweet November.

Well, if Trump gets back in there it will be martial law for 2028.  ‘Cause he ain’t leaving.

Apocalypse now?