Depends on Perspective, Methinks, and That One Is Wrong

OK so color me confused.

In Oklahoma, where the state gleefully punishes women with childbirth, a mom just plead guilty to child abuse and some other stuff for allowing her 12-year-old daughter to have a “relationship” with a 24-year-old “man?” (she actually threw a baby shower, so thrilled was she re the pending birth / the dad got 20 years for rape but that’s a side note) and will spend the next 15 years or so in prison, to register as a sex offender upon release. 

Now, some might argue that raping a child and abortion bans are two different things but not really. 

Rape = using a person’s body against that person’s will, and abortion bans have the exact same effect.

And therein lies the fallacy of the anti-choice argument:  the right to life, except hers. 

And truthfully, there is no “right” to life … just ask death. 

Blastomas, stray bullets, bus crashes … a guy just trying to work just recently suffocated to death in a collapsed trench, whodathunk?  

GOD bestows life just as easily as HE imparts death.  Statistics guesstimate that roughly 20 percent of pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriage, oftentimes before the woman even knows she’s pregnant. So there’s that.

No, the real dispute involves the right not to be killed, which is a right that can be denied …

Death penalty?  Anyone?  Anyone?  More than 20 states still allow it, ironically those selfsame that trample a woman’s right to choose.  Home invader meets armed&ready home owner?  Guy in Texas walked into his daughter’s bedroom and found her in the act of getting molested by some neighbor … only called the cops to clean up the mess.  Justifiable homicide, that one right there. 

No, the real issue is when a person, a human being, has the right not to be killed … some — the anti-choicers / the forced birthers / the chattelers — think that right exists from the moment sperm meets egg, others – the rational, reasonable folks, of sound mind and thoughtful reason (no bias here, heh) — believe otherwise.

I will admit: methinks a bit outlier.  But not necessarily, because GOD says Adam became a living soul upon first breath {Genesis 2:7} and criminal law differentiates between babies found dead with air in the lungs (homicide / i.e., right not to be killed) and those without (unlawful disposal of human remains / i.e., could not be murdered because never actually lived outside the womb).

So, to make it easy for everyone … abortion should be regulated and never legislated, left to the woman, her body, and her GOD. 

And you, sir/madam, lord/lady legislator/legalist, ain’t HIM.