Dreamy Dreams of The Truckiest Truck of Them All

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and just to switch it up – might not be a train.


Only one more payment to satisfying one of my biggest monkeys, and I’m feeling a little … oh, dunno, the fleas of spending are beginning to itch.

Not going to do it, though.  After all, GOD gave the instruction – don’t spend; if spend, spend wisely – which has been working quite well, actually.



Gotta love trucks.  And dogs.  And guns.

Gotta truck.  Gotta dog.  Got guns.  So pretty well covered.

But Truck is almost 15 years old, s’posed to last to 250K miles, but we shall see. 

And dog(s) died.  Two in the last year, which is all the sads.  Only one left, but SheDog has no plans to go anywhere.  At least, hope not.  Slowing down but still spritely, so there’s that.

theKid wants a Jack named German and a German named Jack.
Definitely my child.  Anyhoo …

So, truck.  Or, more correctly, Truck.

Just spend about $600 to get the windows/doors working again, which is nice.  Fresh air’ll do ya good … A/C is nice, but methinks me likes breathing that outside, free-flowing stuff, even if it smells a little wonky.

Anyhoo, Truck is a truck, manly, ballsy, with oil leaks, ripped seats, and dashlights.  That’s my ride, and it is not pimped.  But paid for, which makes it even all the more better.


Would be nice. 

Half doesn’t care.  Half needs reliability, a decent sound system, and a lack of body damage, and Half is good.

Saw a trucketty truck truck the other day, and it got me to dreaming.

A true truck, wide butt, lotsa tires and attitude.  Can’t park it anywhere but at the rear of the Walmart lot, you know the type.

Nope, not a Chevy.  Chevy is the Jan Brady of trucks.  Blond, but still not Marcia.

Don’t do Fords, tho’ lots of people like the F-150, best seller.  But people bought pet rocks too, so … no.

GMC makes me feel as if I should be more constructive [see what I did there?  No?  Allrightythen], like I should be towing a house up a mountain or hauling large, mysterious pipes bound with chain. 

Used to love the Ram but they replaced the gear shift with a nipple and we just don’t feel the same way about each other.


A dually would be nice.  Bright red, á la Gavin’s Rescue Me [great series BTW, jumped the shark there at the end but what show doesn’t] not that I need one but we could all be living in natural rock formations instead of McMansions so there.

Welp, only $100K to go to before my poo-flingingest monkeys are all starved to death. 

In the meantime, I will dream.  After all, dreams are what makes life livable. 

Dreams, and salvation.  {Daniel 2:1}