Rotten Fruit

Made almost – but not quite – a grand selling part of the nonsense purchased for no memorable reason … lots of Euphoria at one point while growing my debt monkey.

Now?  Now, still at the Self-Pity stage, but actually doing something about it is a big switch. 

The biggest change has to be (1) stop pending, which has had the additional effect of (2) making me really, really, stingy, so much so that delaying gratification for even necessities has become a balancing act, and “no,” “nope” and “don’t need that” are reflexive … is it better to drive on fumes?  Or should the tank be topped-off then refueled on rotation (every 3 days, at ½ tank, after certain miles driven, etc.)?  Or perhaps, just don’t go?  Do I really need to leave the house?  No?  Excellent.  Ka-ching!

theKid is paying attention haHA! and recently asked for a video game – $70.  Told theKid we could split the cost, hand over $35 and I’d click for crap. 

Smart kid. 

Anyhoo, gonna take that almost grand and use it to feed my debt monkey, my Gorilla of Foolishness.  It won’t continue to grow on rotten fruit – à la current earnings paid on old debt – and it will slim down by just that much.

Which leaves …

… only $222K to go.  ahhHAHAHAHAHAHAwell at least we got started. {Mark 9:23}