Do You Need That Of Course Not

Another handy little Credit Circus psychop mankind master magic trick … “disposable income” … “money” that is to be thrown away, or otherwise disposed of …


Discretionary income is probably an apter term (yehIseddit); that is, money available to make some decisions, good or bad.  Donate or blow … exercise greater discretion (HA!) in spending whatever, whenever, wherever, however, whoever (not quite), whichever (yes?), whyever (no) possible

Greater control/flexibility … easy to delay that gratification on the necessities, shop / wait / shop again / wait / shop some more / wait / OK … now / wait / look online again / then maybe buy … maybe.  If the 7Qs are all a go.  And no more monkey.

Thing is:  can’t know if actually have any discretionary income until find out how much owed, and to whom, and due when … still working on that.  GOD! hooked me up then I blew it (again) so right now approaching a problem at a slow gait.  Will deal / don’t @me, gimme a minute … and a penny

Food is totally discretionary. 

Clothing is no.  Full stop.  Unless shoes or an overcoat to keep from freezing to death.  Otherwise, wear what’s in the closet.  After you’ve sold every thing someone else will buy—I’M TALKING TO YOOOUUU!!!—and clothes, while necessary (not during the pandemic but that too has ended not now but maybe by the time Other People read this … or not … I am talking to myself Hi! I love you, you’re great oh thank you you’re fabulous too we really should get together some time), are very easy to cheap.  Half likes thrift stores but never goes ‘cuz Half likes thrift stores and Half is thrifty.  Can’t be thrifty in the thrift store ‘cuz spend money on all the thrifty stuff.  Consignment shops can be great but watch out … some stuff (used) can be overpriced (how much for used?) and those outlet overage bulk stores out in the boondocks are great too but we don’t do those because far.  My favorite? Military surplus. Not a huge color selection but lots of sizes.

No discretion on housing.  Mortgage/rent set, unless moving.  Or?  More on that later

Take care of that body!  Only get one!  [Methuselah lived 969 years and still died just saying {Gen. 5:27}] But exercise is free.  Just stand somewhere and clench.

And finding some way to occupy oneself can be free too … libraries are great, except for the homeless, but they need literature too.  Need food more, and homes, and … yeh, but books can be a nice distraction. 

Anyway … the point, and back to don’t spend.  Simple ’nuff.
