Avoid MORE than plague, or the Gub’mnt Intends to Destroy You

Can’t find proof in the intersphere, but I/we/most of us are quite certain the information is out there, just hasn’t been uploaded yet … wat? It could happen.

Heard an … account of an incident involving a federal income tax dodger, whom the Gub’mnt suspected of faking his death. At some point, the Gub’mnt ordered the grave that supposedly contained the dodger’s body opened up, so the Gub’mnt could perform some tests and make sure that the dodger was actually dead, and in that patch of ground.

Mention only in passing … part of the debt monkey? Yeh, Benjamin Franklin got that one exactly right … {Matt. 22:21} … that and “Three can keep a secret if two are dead” … I like it. Smart, smart man.

Barest of details? A “professional” omitted some taxable income and prior mistakes re prior years via DIY totaled up to a screaming chimp flinging poo & chomping faces … doable, tho’, just takes time, and focus, and money, and sacrifice, and patience, and money, and money, and money …

And here again, money ain’t math, because taxes are not math, taxes are money = mass, as in accumulation, or tumor.

SO! Basically, Chris Rock, former funny guy?  Haven’t heard much lately said (paraphrasing here) that one does not pay taxes the Gub’mnt takes taxes, which is generally true BUT! if the Gub’mnt has not taken enough then one/you/we must pay …

Which leads me to another scam.

Remember the part of the total Gorilla of Foolishness includes DIY efforts at filing?  Yah well totally unnecessary.

Some other countries?  Gub’mnt tells taxpayers amount due/refund, taxpayers can correct/accept … done. 

BigBiz is conspiring with Gub’mnt to stay BigBiz when a much better option is available for consumers … typically, laborers, or those who work to eat.  All the grrrs …

Adam Ruins Everything … briefly went over the details in true cursory skim fashion to accurately summarize the fundamental rip-off that is the application of the 16th Amdt.  Basically, the original purpose was to tax the rich.  In 1913, one can just IMAGINE the economic disparities of the US back in the good ol’ daze of robber barons and the birth of the Fed, but over time it has been used to as another weapon against the Precariat (ha!), keep Starving&Struggling – specifically, the lives of Hobbes’ “nasty, brutish, & short” – as the way of life, except for those lucky few … BUT!  {Ecc. 1:14}

di-GRESSshun because the Gub’mnt knows taxpayer = taxable income = tax due because BigBiz reporting to Gub’mnt taxable due = taxpayer, and if taxpayer ≠ all taxable income ≠ tax due … Gub’mnt knows who you are … doesn’t care what you want … has all the money … and has a very particular set of skills … skills acquired over the scourge of an empire … skills that make the Gub’mnt a nightmare for those who defy it.  Comply, and it will go away.  Disobey … it will look for you … it will find you … and it will destroy you.  

Guy by the name of Tubes ofYou has that info tried the buck the system and got … bucked.  Was raising something like about 12 kids, making less than around $1,000 a month (so probably didn’t owe any taxes) refused to file income tax returns, said the Gub’mnt was in league with Satan (it is), that the intention of Gub’mnt is to exercise total control over the individual (yes uh-huh OK that’s right), and that—as a Christian—he would not give aid and comfort to the enemies of Christ (which he absolutely refused to do so and died). 

Part of his … death involved cops pouring diesel fuel down a chimney and throwing grenades into spaces occupied by living human flesh but he didn’t file his taxes OK so makes sense. 

Well, he did shoot two US Marshals to death, sooo … karma can be harsh.  BUT!  The Gub’mnt had specifically targeted him for prosecution, instigated the death of its officials via its malicious conduct and unnecessarily stoked hostility within an independently recognized decent human being and overall great guy … WWII vet, married his sweetheart, said he only wanted to be left alone … probably should have moved … where, I do not have that information, but earth has about 60,000,000 sq mzs of land mass so there has to be somewhere … right?  Right?  Where a man can go and be unmolested by Gub’mnt? 

Perhaps not. 

I suppose the carrot given to nibble while the stick rams its way through life is the possibility of becoming one of the lucky few … to escape the stick … what is this blog, if not that? … And gambling is the Precariat’s derisive Wall Street. 

Guess the major difference is when the Wall Street of BigBiz craps out, Gub’mnt pays the mark with Precariat’s money.  Niiice