The Gorilla of Foolishness – Current Ed.

Fed the monkey a bit last month … considered for a good purpose, tho’.

Call it a necessary annual expense.  Half got happy; theKid had grins.

So … Motivation #1/#2 were in good spaces.

So … if feeding the monkey just a bit to get them there … under controlled, laboratory conditions … totally worth it, and I/we/me don’t consider a bit bigger monkey to be of any real significance.

‘Cuz we got it.

God said:  “Don’t spend.”

God said:  “If spend, spend smart.”

Works for me.

Half got happy/theKid got grins on DISCOUNT! so there … spent wisely, not usually …
Hey!  This actually works. 

HOWEVER (heh) … update on my personal Gorilla of Foolishness — Current Edition … wahbam.

Type of DebtTotalDebtMinMonthPay
Hold my beer$65,000$375
Wow, really? #1$64,000$750
Seriously … ? #2$28,800$1200
Years of monkey play$20,800$650
New monkey/fresh scent$17,500$325
Monkey fun #1$10,000$200
Monkey fun #2$5,000$100
Monthly monkey$3250$3250
Did I really buy that, monkey?$2,000$150
Current Kong of King$216,350.00$7000.00

Some but not much forward advance on that battlefront, there. 

Problem?  Prior obligations being met with current funds needed to pay past debts.  She’s a powerful primate, but she, too, can be subdued, tamed, and caged.

Whew.  Lotta work.  Gonna happen, tho’.  {Psalm 28:7}

God is good.