Smart Women

There exists a group of women (and some men) out of England who have elected not to procreate due to the pending demise of the world … “BirthStrike.” 

Sounds like babies on SWAT teams.  Kind of pessimistic, but nevertheless a really good idea. 

Not only due to the upcoming apocalypse, but because kids are really expensive. 

So another reason to stay single/childlessorfree = costs, both financial and ecological.  Practically speaking:  it’s cheaper to exist alone … the old song says “Cheaper to Keep Her,” which is true (think wives are expensive, try making a woman not one … “I do” = “You’re done.” di-GRESS

Possible solution:  dual-track for girls. 

Boys have to be productive regardless … whole “spread seedlings” thing … boys typically directed towards positive, productive activities … do something with themselves, other than pick fleas and fight to the death on Tuesdays.

Girls, however … here, there be options.  Society should dual-track girls, teach them the choice of being wives/mothers or actual people.

Because women can’t do both.  TRIGGUH

Wife/mother = primary goal of a strong, stable family, and serves exclusively in a supporting role in her own life.

Actual person = career, financially-independent, self-sustaining, essentially self-sufficient (apart from the occasional service call perhaps … some women install their own roofs (why not “rooves” ENGLISHMAKESNOSENSE) so don’t want to presume. 

The current system lies to women … conveys the message that women can have it all when in reality “all” is not possible, and it is either or, or maybe just failing a little bit at both.  The manosphere does have that much correct.

If woman = wife/mother has plans, schemes and dreams, those must be put on hold for Little Jimmy who fell off the playground metal.

If man = husband/father has plans, schemes and dreams, where the heck is wife/mother when Little Jimmy fell off the playground metal?

That’s her baby.  He’s dad and full-time father, but that’s her baby.  I believe the old saying is, “Mama’s baby / Daddy’s maybe …” how offensive … how correct …

“When it comes to 6-month-old unfortunate child with this woman for a mother you ARE / are NOT the father”

A child is the personification of commitment.  True sad thing?  Most folks aren’t ready for a relationship of that depth, aaannnddd we question why our mental health is so poor … .  The point?  No one should get married or have kids.  And there are movements dedicated to those (non?un?) goals, so one need not feel alone, or strange, for rebelling against expectations.  {1 Tim. 2:9-13} … women tend to do better living alone without men/hubs/kids … maybe because able to pursue own lifegoals without serving as the backbone for others … perhaps the manosphere should encourage men to seek life without women … no kids, just pros to release the bio-frustrations … rather than complain about the quality of the dating pool … just sayin’ … which I can ‘cuz I GOT somebody … so agree yeh little biased


Had I known how horrible a human being I actually was I would have warned off Half, not enwebbed (entombed?) Half in my … yeh. So, again, point and back to is that stay alone until you are the best you, and then find that other person who is the best at being that and then be together. But be better first.


How long will it take the human race become extinct via attrition?

Recent study says human sperm count has plummeted … maybe a good thing? No need for male birth control / the environment did it for us – HA!