Is That … a Collective Middle Finger?

I/we/me got it.  Strange how all the experts have missed this particular point, but methinks we got it.

Somewhere ‘round these parts was the discussion of how the social contract is really just a hired hit on the poors of the populace, and how the entire system is rigged … well, the global pandemic lockdown taught a hard lesson, and the laboring masses are pissed.

Funny thing:  corporate loyalty is non-existent for laborers, and laborers are finally taking the hint.

Reason #3,478,980,341,652 to get out / stay out of debt – so one may tell one’s employer to kick rocks … hit the road, Jack … just not the right time for a relationship … I’m sorry but / I can’t right now / it’s not you / it’s me

See, everybody, well mostly, did their part … grinding away, paying the bills, suffering a little more / death a little closer with each passing day, because that was the deal.  You work or you starve, or you eat out of trashcans. 

But then here come the ah-hem masters of mankind who just decided to kick the rules straight in the box without warning, break the lives of most in two, then expect folks to just jump right back on the hamster wheel. With a smile.

Nah, son.  Keep that.

The Great Reset ain’t what the parasitic class thought it would be.  Heh

At current there are estimated 10M jobs open and approximately 10M people unemployed … math?  Nope, ‘cuz money ain’t it.  The Great Resignation, heh.  I like that. 

Folks internalizing “Hey … I don’t have to spend 15 hours a week in traffic … Hey … I don’t have to deal with Rick in Accounting … Hey … I don’t actually have to go to work / work can be at home (which is where most people want to be anyway) / and I can complete this pointless crap (oh wait that’s actual my job) outside of an artificially lit box made of particle board … work could really work! …” 

Aside from a few outliers (“Time to celebrate Dan’s retirement!  Conference room in ten!”  “OOOooo!  Deb’s gonna breed?  Sign the card and pass it on!”) most people would rather not be around their coworkers if need not be, and the Great Pandemic of 2020 has been really fantastic for so many.

Which leads me to the apocalypse. 

See, because modern work in America is changing because the modern worker is changing and the modern working environment will not want to change [I see you Blue Origin – Bob Smith is such a tool] there’s gonna be this huge disconnect that causes (or helps to cause) the collapse of the US economy … nasty cycle … when the masses are ready to return to work (oh, money = maintenance) the jobs won’t be there because so many small and mid-sized businesses closed because no one wanted to work … there … and now those 10M jobs are just 2M jobs and we begin eating our young to survive. 

Well, we already do that … called student loan debt moving on

Not overly worried about it, tho’ … because death comes to everyone, and in the end, the only debt that matters is the one He paid for us all {1 John 2:2}

That, I like, and thank You.