Finance Defense

Because I didn’t actually feel like working, I looked into the history of the Great Wall of China. 

Yeh … that Wall. 

Fascinating factoids:  the Great Wall of China stretches from the Gobi Desert to the Yellow Sea (‘bout 13K miles / 21K kilometers wat, round-bout ½ the distance of the EARTH’S EQUATOR) [the natives call it “the Endless Wall”] and was built, in part, to keep out Genghis Khan … a-hem — “the Northern Tribes on Horseback” — and took generations, round’bout 2400 years, to complete.  Also bankrupted the Ming Dynasty, led to the downfall of round’bout 300 years of monarchistic (yeh I seddit) rule.

And, supposedly … rumoredly … at one point 1/3 of the male working class was conscripted into construction of the Wall, and their bodies are buried within the structure.  Nice, but not for them

Oooo—time to take a trip!  Nah nevermind.  Passport

Another few tasty bits:  it’s irregular, comprised of about 16 separate walls, not made of the same stuff all over (first: gravel&reeds; second: rounded/pounded earth; third: bricks fortified with sticky rice – wat/yeh), and construction began round’bout 220 years before the birth of Christ (what is this BCE nonsense ohyeh the debbil)

During the 17th century, famine, plague and (you guessed it) debt incurred in building the Wall brought down the Ming Dynasty.  The people got sick and tired of being sick and tired, but rather than let the people rule, the Chinese military joined forces with the Manchurian warriors and overthrew the people – back in your place, plebe! – in 1644 until 1912, when a bunch of other stuff happened.  Moving on

The point?  Gotta put a wall (heh-heh) around your finances.  Protect them from incursion and intrusion by outside forces.  The inside?  Food clothing shelter healthcare and purpose … gets us handily back to GOD’s instruction:  Don’t spend, and if spend, spend wisely.  7Q’s of spending before spending …

{Ecc. 9:18}