Money is Mechanics

Had a “no spend” month in April … went quite well, actually.

God’s rule of “Don’t spend; if do, spend wisely” works for my/household expenses, but theKid is a whole ‘nother ball of expenditure.

theKid needs “stuff,” and some of that stuff isn’t exactly a need but rather a little slice of joy in the day.

So, I/we/me spend some on theKid that wouldn’t spend on me/myself/I/us.

But, during no-spend April, told theKid it was no-spend April, and — surprisingly — theKid was fully onboard.  Kept asking for “stuff” because, y’know … theKid, but was completely reasonable when told no.

theKid is so awesome, truly doesn’t deserve me as a parent, but GOD knows what HE’s doing, so we’ll just go with that.

But I do lament.  {Lamentations 3:40}

theKid deserves better.  So rather than giving up, in or out, I just need to give more.

More attention, more time, more patience.

Because my debt affects theKid … in the form of legacy, of lesson, of example.

theKid sees Half stressed behind my debts, and sees my indifference to them, and neither are good.

theKid (all kids) must learn that money is simply a tool … a tool that can build, or a tool that can destroy.

Right now, I’ve wielding my tool in such a way as to destroy, Half too, because money is the source of discontent.  Not money, exactly, but how it is used … as a tool.  

Need to be more nimble, more facile, and stop slamming my thumbs.  Half too, but Half only bangs thumbs when I’m the one directing the blow. 

Lesson?  I’m to the age where I care not about me, but theKid deserves better, so … time to step up. 

Got three mailings offering to help since the suit … heh.  Guess it’s time to ask for help.

What’s the joke about the Humvee, the boat, and the helicopter?  The Lord moves