Career, Cats & Companionship

Tucker got puckered (how has no one used this?!?) re sum of the Dums (see, e.g., fumble-tongued Stacey Adams—gonna lose this one too Boo) suggesting that the solution to inflation is to (drum roll, please) … not have kids.

Many folks are waaaayyyy ahead on this. 

Recent report from somewhere someplace says that more young men are foregoing fatherhood, can’t see themselves with kids, don’t want kids, don’t expect to have any.

Another woman actually blames abortion on men, says men should “Ejaculate Responsibly.”  Can’t plant a garden without seed.

I can get with that. 

Survey says … 85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women.  Huh.

Made the mistake of watching some redpill content with hysterical women (“I am the table and the prize!” [fingersnap/headwhip]) and reached the conclusion that every successive generation of humans — beginning with the Boomers — is doomed.

Thank agriculture and birth control.

Apologies, again, to theKid.  What have we done?

Women today, most anyway, are consumed with consumption, getting the bag and manipulating the man into position … whereas men are looking for their masculinity and finding it amongst the weeds of Andrew Tate, Fresh&Fit, and the dead excellence of Kevin Samuels. 

See, methinks MGTOW has basically the right idea, but failed to consider the end game.

If WWOM (see: “Women With Out Men”) becomes a thing, and women just stop seeking relationships with men, join all-female communes and breeds like Amazons, a true war of the sexes will result. 

Or not.  There’s video online of an artificial womb – see through, totally transparent, so one can watch the development of a human from gamete to zygote to embryo to fetus to born … there is a process.  Also, legislators in NH want in vitro fertilization regulated to protect frozen eggs from being … murdered?  Funnily enough, recent science suggests test tube babies have a higher rate of cancer than those conceived naturally, the natural way.

Go figure.  It’s almost as if technology has far-flungier consequences than thought out.

I think GOD is laughing at us.  As well HE should.  {1 Corin. 1:18}

Anyhoo, if enough men have had enough of women, society is built, the structures are in place, and women will just use what has been given to them.  Men will continue to maintain civilization (guys like toilets that flush too) and women will simply derive the benefits of such maintenance.

My point — yes you were waiting for that I see you — is that we (men & women) have ruined ourselves and our ability to relate to one another. 

Men with money will have multiple women (guess Utah won … congrats to you Joseph Smith) and each woman will have to fight for her place on his roster.

Unless she chooses not to, and either cleaves to a man with less or elects to die alone.

Women gifted (or purchased, there is that) beauty will practice hypergamy until … well, until they can’t anymore (I see you, Angelina Jolie Amber Rose Supahead Jennifer Aniston Nicole Murphy) and completely fall off into lonely desperation.

So, going forward, the younger generations (male/female/other … esp. “other”) should accept that a stable, loving marriage/LTR is no longer possible, and simply do for self.

Get one’s own bag, put a babydog in it, and maximize those retirement accounts.  And long-term care insurance … SO IMPORTANT!!!  Might not die, might just … wither away unto death, until your pre-remains need care up to and including final disposal.

Does one know that pre-need plans don’t typically cover the cost of (1) digging the hole, or (2) filling the hole?  Capitalism is great.

I need to talk to a lawyer.

Anyhoo, folks (those young whippersnappers) should have an eye towards the future with a career, earning one’s own money, building wealth/secure finances, and a dog.  Or a cat.  But cats don’t care, and will eat your face after death (or maybe before … as theKid would say, those cute beasts are sus), ferrets are safer but exude oily, musky poo with the wrong food and have been known for similar facial consumption … moving on

So, anyways, get a career, a pet, build personal wealth and resources, then seek companionship, forego commitment. 

Find someone to go to dinner with, see a show, take a cruise, travel. 

And have a roster, with a first round pick.  

And a second.

And a third.

Rinse. Repeat.