Law #8 – Honey, Vinegar, or Poo / Also, Hey DJ

There is an ancient idiom in Chinese culture that encourages taking the long view; meaning, look beyond the immediate towards long-range consequences and/or results of a particular action. Hong Kong is an excellent example. In 1898, the British “leased” Hong Kong and its territories from China for 99 years, with the region released to China …

Law #7 – The History of America

Seems fitting that a guy with no real talent, vision, or intellect would affix the name of America’s greatest (Serbian) inventor to his self-piloted, suicidal automobile. Was this old when discovered that Nikola Tesla not only pioneered the AC system of electricity (inapposite to and more effective/efficient than Edison’s preferred DC) but his patent was …

Law #5 – Perception is Reality; or, You Are What Others Think

Back in the … my heavens 1980’s? (shuddercringe) there was this really good cop show called “Hill Street Blues.”  My favorite character was (of course) the cop who bit people but overall the entire cast was really, really good.  One character who really stood out was Sgt. Phil Esterhaus, a gentle, no-nonsense giant who genuinely …

Law #4 – Hold Your Tongue; see Proverbs 21:23

Louis XIV (the very same he who would banish Darling Nicky) was legendary for being extremely taciturn; he kept his thoughts, opinions, and fears to himself, revealing his decision only in deed.  After agonizing over matters of state, his advisors would finally settle on a few alternatives to present to the French king, and reportedly …

Law #3 – Never Let ‘Em See You Coming or, for that Matter … Going

In our age of oversharing, TMI, and the quest for external validation of every inner thought, this next law of power will be anathema to those beyond the Boomer.  By concealing true intentions, it is more likely to achieve the ultimate goal.  Everyone likes to be a spoiler, but one cannot spoil the unseen, the …

Law #2 – Trust No One; AKA – Keep Your Friends Close, and Your Enemies In Your Underwear

At some point during the ninth century A.D., a young man named Michael (through the machinations and duplicitousness of his uncle) was thrust onto the throne of the Byzantine Empire.  Michael had a buddy named Basilius, from peasant stock who worked in the horse stables, and Basilius – right place, right time – saved Michael …

Law 1 – “Never Outshine the Master”

Methinks excellence shall inevitably be punished. How very disheartening. In mid-1660’s France, there lived two very vain men … Nicolas Fouquet, and King Louis XIV.  Both loved money, and ostentation, and spectacle, but only one could punish the other for his preference. Bit of a backstory: someone high up in the king’s cabinet died, and …

Points, Practice, Physics … and Politics

theKid recently expressed some frustration with the foolishness of grown folks … and youth sports. Yeh, the kids think the parents are dumb too. And kids always bear the burden of a parent’s mistakes.  Ergo, to wit:  my parents split before I hit kindergarten, totally destroyed the family, and the scars from that destruction have …