Cut ‘Em Off, On Their Knees

Methinks me wonders at times the amount of a child’s potential lost because the adults don’t know how to adult.

Mentioned (several times) before that theKid is involved in sports, like heavily, like more than one team/sport/activity.  Anyhoo …

There are some kids on some of those teams who only play intermittently because – get this – custody issues. 

Half and other half had a conversation about this (we actually talk, sometimes) and apparently one kid on one of those teams doesn’t play consistently – and this kid is good – because one of the kid’s parents signed ‘em up for the sport, and the kid’s other parent needs to feel in control so won’t let the kid play/participate when it’s “their” weekend.

What.  The actual?

My heavens we are screwed as a species.  Forget the well-being / fostered potential of the child. 
That be damned.  This is my kid.


And the really tragic thing?  This toxic parental sabotage happens every day, every where, and the children are likely going to end up repeating this behavior with their own kids.  {Proverbs 22:6}

Half and other half are in no way perfect – if you (Other Person You) hadn’t picked up on that by now, but at least we’re on the exact same page when it comes to theKid … we (the adults) need to work at getting it right for theKid (the child, blameless in this mess).

I have a friend.  Just one.  No need to overdo it.

And this friend and the friend’s partner are splitting up.  They have a kid they’ve been raising together, and this friend and the friend’s partner are considering leaving the family home in place then sharing an apartment off-site, so their kid gets to live at home, and each parent just switches days in the (former) familial home, so the kid isn’t divided in two, King Solomon-style. 

One great ignorance of the modern day is the disregard parents have for/show to their children.

Men/women siring/birthing bastards, with no regard for the welfare – mental, emotional, spiritual – of children, who are brought into homes conflicted, divided, angry, hostile.

As a kid, my home was broken.  One parent could not keep the naughtybits in the marriage, and the other parent took offense.  Fair enough.

But I’m legitimate.  My mother and father were married.  Saw the paperwork, on both ends. 

My mother was not a whore.

My father was not a cur.

And knowing that my parents had enough respect for themselves and each other to make it official before breeding has a positive effect on my mental, emotional, and spiritual state, such as it is. 

Shudder at the alternative [shudder]

They had a plan.  Even if it didn’t work out they at least started off with one.

Now, MFs are just rutting like dogs in mud, bitches in heat, without a single thought given to the offspring. 

Sigh.  The debt we owe to our children is one they can never pay themselves. 

One’s mother makes you a bastard, and one’s father keeps you there. 

But that’s impolitic to say, in these fallen times.  But nevertheless correct. 

JESUS!  We need you.  Spiritual pest control.