Breeding for Bonzo

When you don’t have kids, you’re incredibly self-centered.

And when you do, you become even more so. 

Methinks: how could you not?  There a little half version of you walking about in the world.

If anyone has had a child after, say, 2010, methinks the decision stems more from hubris than the notion that the child(ren) will have a good, or at least sustainable, life. 

I want, therefore I am.  Self, included. 

But in my defense … I was stupid, so there’s that.

Read a recently article about how the cost of children is going up, and the ROI is going down; that is, it takes longer for kids to actually adult, because adulting has become cost-prohibitive.

See: home prices.

Since the Reagan years—

(now THAT was a racist … folksy, downhome, good ol’ boy true Horseman of the Revelation kind … guess it fits he was in the throes of dementia during the final years of his presidency … what a puppet – was that Bonzo’s paw up there or the pale and skeletal hand of Daddy Bush?  doesn’t matter / and not that we’re better off now with Unkle Jo / we are damned digress)

—the median home price has tripled, the price of a college education has not only 12-tupled but become increasingly useless (ask your neighborhood barista), and the cost of maintaining a person’s bone cage of meat and consciousness could bankrupt that selfsame person, even with insurance, in the event of sickness, injury, or out-of-network breeding.

Even during the Ruling Cowboy era the wealth gap was about 60-40 … now, the richest 10-percenters outown the rest of us by more than 75 percent … in monkey terms, that means out of 100 people with $100, 10 have almost $80 bucks and the other 90 get to share the remaining $20.  Yeah.

What a racket.  Those masters of mankind must be so pleased. 

BUT in the long run, like, in terms of eternity, none of this is particularly important, and literally doesn’t even matter.

Except to the extent that it does. 

JESUS advised a wealthy and prosperous young man that, if he wanted to be perfect, he needed to sell all his possessions and follow Him, but the feller didn’t want to give up all his stuff. 

Wonder how that worked out.

The LORD tells us not to love the world … to be in the world but not of the world because it’s easier for a dromedary to boogie on through the needle’s eye than for a 10-percenter to gain access to the kingdom of GOD.  {Matthew 19:24}

Let the masters of mankind have the world, and GOD will reward them according to their works.

Mart of Wal used to have a slogan:  “Good.  Works.”  Just like Gargle had an old motto:  “Don’t be evil.”

HA!  Methinks corporations, as persons, embrace a(im)morality for success. 

Does a corporation, since it’s a person, have a soul? 

If so, he/she/it/them certainly sold it.  And likely for 30 pieces of silver.