BootyHole Worms, AKA Parental Debts

There’s a delightful young woman on the Tok of the Tik – the Girl with the List / @z00mie – and she offers birth control advice / cures for baby fever. 

She (I believe the term) “stitches” other clips together of women describing the absolute horror of certain birth situations.

For example, one woman reminisced about tearing upwards after the birth of her fourth child.
Have some difficulty even imagining that, as well methinks me should. 

Another young mom recounted her disgust at realizing she had just sampled cheese and crackers that, unbeknownst, upon which her beloved daughter had just vomited curdled milk.

In a gender switch a tight-faced dad received the news that the strangely-shaped poo in his son’s diaper was?/were? actually pinworms, which meant that the whole household likely had pinworms.

Uh.  Yeh. 

When theKid was in daycare a notice got sent home that there had been an … outbreak? … of hand, food and mouth disease, some delightful tropical virus that may cause uncontrolled drooling from mouth sores.

Uh.  Yeh.  The myriad delights of parenting.

Methinks that dishonesty surrounds the reality of childbearing/rearing because very few truly sane persons would seek the endeavor if fully informed.  And with the pervasive nature of social media, it seems as if more truths about parenting and motherhood are being dispersed far and wide, with more young women, Millennials (‘80s to the aughts) and Gen Z (aughts to roughly 2010) in particular, choosing not.

Coupled with crushing debts, inflationary living costs, and a dating pool full of cess … methinks the incentives for breeding are fewer and farther between.  Even more so, many governments are compelling the use of women’s bodies against their will, desire and intent if those selfsame females are of breeding age, ability, and situation. 

Perfectly understandable. 

And many of those selfsame women / and some of their male counterparts / are foregoing relationships entirely, so as to not risk being enchatteled (barring violence or inebriation) in the first place. 

“The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are
women who never married or had children.”
                                                         Paul Dolan, Happy Ever After

Don’t think he specified at what age, and if this womanish subgroup is past those prime breeding years.  Also, he might be entirely wrong because he probably misinterpreted the data upon which he based his conclusion but hey – makes a nice trope. 

But none of that may matter because – just a quick look at S&M – plenty of chicks are all so very much


While I wholeheartedly agree that, if a woman does not want a husband and/or children, then she absolutely does not need one/them.


That selfsame woman would be wise to remember that she needs men to maintain the society and civilization that allows her to make that choice.

Men do not suffer similar limitations.  Truth?  Men keep order as a contract between each other – who would really choose to work construction?  Or mine? – and women are merely the tangential beneficiaries / collateral damage of that agreement.

The average person is exploited for the gain of another not because they want to be but because, y’know, hunger.  And A/C. 

So there’s that. 


While our paths may vary ultimately we (the parented and the childfree) all reach the same destination {Ecclesiastes 12:7}, with the direction of our continued journey determined by the choices made in life.

Won’t be around to see it – did my part – but would be interesting if humans went extinct via attrition.  Hard to imagine with 8B+ walking the earth but could happen, and in only a few generations.

Currently, as screeched histrionically by the FES conservatives and red-pill podcasts, the global birth rate – while still at a replacement ratio of about 2 – is dropping, particularly in Horsemen nations as well as Khan’sKids countries, which again is indicative of the outcome when men allow women reproductive choice … her answer? Not right now, thanks.  Maybe later.  

Rather than shaming women into having kids – You built for this, bish! – perhaps reevaluating the outcomes after the kids arrive might be a more … productive (seewhatIdidthere!)… approach. 

Universal health care, paid parental leave, subsidized child care for first five years, fixing the problem of public schools, living wages tied to rate of inflation … we could go on but bother not.

The masters of mankind want the plebes barefoot, pregnant, and struggling in poverty … living lives that are “[…] poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”

Appears they shall get their way.

But maybe not.