Why We Can’t Be Friends

Friends are expensive.  Not really, but have a tendency to be.  And not because friends are expensive, but because one/we tend(s) to spend money when around friends … ergo / to wit:  no friends.

Now – that being said the typical human is not a misanthropic cave-dweller (of course never presume) and thus thirsts for other humans … how unfortunate.

Well, there’s a solution for that, too … don’t let your monkey have playdates. 

When out with the “friends,” have cash in hand only, and when cash is done, so is the night/fun/festivities.

Easy for me.  This is my fun TALKING TO INVISIBLE PEOPLE HIII-YYYEEE!!! so I/we will admit to being a bit un-YOU-usual HOWEVER my anthropomorphic hostility does not negate the fact of the debt monkey, and the potential for significant size increase and the need to monitor the expenditures for fun while engaged with others in aforesaid fun. 

Cash is the best way to do it, or a cash card BUT with electronic payment always embarrassing possibility of “Charge Declined” which under any conceivable circumstance is unpleasant and has NEVER occurred in the presence of cash. 

I like cash.  No one else does, but I do.  Speaking of …

… there was a really great unreality show called “‘Til Debt Do Us Part” and the star was this woman debt manager, a total sarcastic Amazon, perfection in flesh, and her debt satisfaction strategy was cash … all cash, all the time … credit [remember: debt] cards, debit [remember: cash] cards, any electronic payment methods, all gone … cash in jars, with spending limited to expenses … total fun free life.  Gah.

Well, that is the traditional wisdom.  When in debt, life must suck until out. 

Psssh-SHAAH all over that.  Like racism, I refuse to take responsibility for a system I had no hand in creating. 

Nope, not mine. 

Why?  Well, yes I did buy that and spend that and purchase that … Well, yes that was my “money” and my decision and my choice to buy … however. 

I have been lied to.

By the “masters of mankind.”

See, their objective is to keep the majority of human beings in some sort of slavery, a perpetual habitrail of work, debt, struggle, repeat until die … I believe the old saying is “nasty, brutish and short.”

Via media, market and military … money = manipulation.

The truth about “money”?  Watch for the Trick – Don’t fall for the Trap – Stuff is the Distraction …

Well, see, no one told me that.  Sure, economics and accounting, but again … money ain’t math.

See, without $1.5T in student loan debt, $4T in consumer debt, and $10T in mortgage debt …

… stagnation of wages and inflation of costs …

… the Precariat remains too distracted by finances to organize for change to the status quo,
and the “masters of mankind” are free to continue … masturbating on the masses.  Ewww.  Smells like old spit.

Well now there is more know, all the know. 

After all, knowledge is … what?  {Ecc. 7:12}