A Trip to the ThriftStore … yes


Prior to Half, my thoughts on spending re plates and such was dumb. Spent thousands on VHS/DVDs, but those were investments. So WHAT if the tech is dead.

Now, however, I/we realize that eating exclusively off paper/plastic is tres gauche, so … kitchen utensils are in order.

BUT! Spending on plates and stuff that breaks is kinda simple if one need not … so, thriftstore, ohyesss

If you must go, middle of the week, middle of the morning (10:30 am is ideal / early enough to get out / late enough to sleep in)

Need time to hunt for the deal … it’s there, must find it.  Like treasure.  That was someone else’s trash.  HEY saving money here moving on

Go with an intention / don’t shop.  Know the thing to buy, find the thing to buy, examine the thing to buy / make sure is a good thing to buy, buy the thing, leave the store.  Done

Dishes, pots and pans … awesome.  Wash off the Other People grit.  Still a little too conflicted to pull the trigger on flatware, glassware.  Mugs might work, if truly soupꞔon, tho’ … coffee drinkers / bucket o’caffeine ohyesss

Clothes? Hmmm … still debating. DEFINITELY NOT UNDERWEAR ALL THE EWWW maybe a good winter coat … ? Actually, until debt monkey can fit in a pocket, don’t need clothes. Good winter coat, solid shoes. Those are there, too … ohyesss