All the Adults are Lying

I like what that guy said from that thing I didn’t watch.  I saw an excerpt which is of course all I need to form an opinion (heh) and I completely agree with him/them/that. 

It’s too late.

Back in the ‘70’s (that’s 19-hunnert to you, whippersnapper) there was still time to maybe fix the mess man has made of the only environment in which he can live, but now … it’s too late. 

I feel so sorry for theKid … if I’d been paying attention instead of being married the future would not be a concern, and I could stand smug in the nightmare dystopian hellscape that’s on the way and laugh and laugh and laugh {Luke 21:23} but however nevertheless I am not … and here we/theKid are.

With that in mind, I/me/we are working super-duper hard to make theKid’s life a good one, and getting out of debt is a huge part of that, if for no other reason than to have more discretionary income (not DISPOSAL income … ‘nother mankind masters mindtrick … ya don’t grind that crap in the ‘lectric garbage chute) to take theKid indoor skydiving and monster trucks and Shen Yun and chicken strips at the Habit Grill … I firmly believe in and am wholly dedicated to the idea that a memorable, good, fun, short life is so much better than one that is solitary, poor, nasty, and brutish, in addition to being short.

Fact: we’d have to work together to remedy the shifting climate changes as if it ‘twere an alien invasion and ET was committed to total human extermination. 

Rather than man gleefully engaged in his own destruction … but the Lord saw this coming. 

James Baldwin identified it as The Fire Next Time … a man truly before (and of) his time. 

China would have to agree.  India would have to agree.  The Taliban (nice job, Joe — Let’s Go Brandon!) would have to agree, because as soon as the Caliphate gets some nukes, trust and believe things are going to be waaay, waaay different over there, right here, and every where.

And we’re not getting it, not as a species.  We all bleed red, we all need to feed and water and shelter these bodies and catastrophic concussive impact turns us all to just so much meatsoup … and yet we argue. 

There is a really great/sad/devasting theoretical realcheck from July 2018 that discusses the inevitable social collapse that is coming due to the “tragic unfolding” of climate change.

If I’m not mistaken, Germany, China, and parts of North, South and Central America all experienced 1,000-year floods … which seem to be occurring with stunning repetition.  Meteorologists and forecasters can’t even use “unprecedented” in weather news anymore because it’s all now precedented from the previous year.

Excuse me ah-hem there is no “fire season” … spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter are seasons … the Burning West is just poor forest management digress

Anyhoo – an Occasional Paper published by Dr. Bendell entitled “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy” is great bedtime reading for staying up all night, and talks about how the readers … the audience … you yes YOU … are going to experience the collapse of social conveniences during your (read: “our”) lifetime.

Somebody referred to Greta Thunberg as a mentally disabled child … not Trump but some other lowlight … seems to me the younglings are shouting out the oldsters for burning the house down, whereas the olds are just turning down those pesky hearing aids, no need for all that noise.  We gots money to make. 

BTW/fun factoid — Just 25 companies in the whole, wide world are responsible for more than half of the global air-goop.

Well … the Lord said it:  the love of money is the root of all evil {1 Tim. 6:10} … I guess we’ll all get to see where that leads us. 

Gotta getta tent, some butane tanks, and a portable grill.  Already got the guns.  Ammo.  There’s always room for ammo. 

That being said:  No more kids; not for you … for them