BootyHole Worms, AKA Parental Debts

There’s a delightful young woman on the Tok of the Tik – the Girl with the List / @z00mie – and she offers birth control advice / cures for baby fever.  She (I believe the term) “stitches” other clips together of women describing the absolute horror of certain birth situations. For example, one woman reminisced …

Wow … Didn’t See That One Coming, But Pretty Sure Someone Did

Some disgruntled bearing a discount sniper scope tried to end the Orange Menace.  How very American.  And of course the shooter was killed by … “law enforcement.” Big fan of conspiracy theories, so thought would add another. The objective of the masters of mankind is authoritarianism, and currently the best approach to achieve that goal …

Cognitive Dissonance, or If Everything Is Better Why Does It All Suck?

Gleaned an article re the strong job market, low unemployment, boundless opportunities, Wall Street on record highs (booger shooger will do that). Aaaannnndddd then there’s another article re how tech workers of FANG – Facebook, Amazon, NetFlix, Google – are experiencing layoffs, unable to find work, living on credit cards and out of their cars, …

XX v. XY = Ø

Made the mistake of reading an article on BuzzFeed re the dumpster fire of entitlement, narcissism, and victimhood as it pertains to MFs and her collective justification of infidelity. Really. And this is what the M&Ms (modern mens) have to choose from. Now, to be honest, upfront and transparent, M&Ms have many shortcomings as well …

Not All Who Wander Are Lost … But Only the Foolish Will Follow

That hurt.  Like … was actually, literally, physically painful.  Elder abuse is just cruel.  The CryptKeeper is a dead man wandering, helped off stage by his wife … no one likes his HalfNot … and the pride/persistence of the DNC will serve the Orange Menace another term on a silver platter, followed possibly by a …