21st Century Chattel

Whelp wouhja lookidat. Effective June 24, 2022, American persons with child-bearing ability are thus denied federal constitutional protection, being wholly subject to states’ rights. Hunht.  Well, like I said, not particularly surprising with a Catholic, two sex predators, and a Stepford Wife cosigning the decision. I/me/we will agree, though, that Roe was decided on the …

Willful Ignorance, AKA Idiots in Charge

Real quick – the federal judiciary purposefully misreads the US Constitution. First – the 2nd Amendment gives me (yes me as a private citizen) the right to hand grenades, rocket launchers, and high-capacity, fully-automatic machine guns.  Change my mind. A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the …

Got ‘Er Duhn, or more commonly WHERE’S MY SEX ROBOT

Whelp, looks like the Trumpiots finally got (in?) their way. Generally unsurprising, what with two (count ‘em – two) alleged sexual predators with lifetime appointments sitting on the bench. Can’t say one is even mildly surprised. What with the staggering hypocrisy of the so-called conservatives (here’s looking at you, Mitchy!) and the strident befuddlement of …

Woke Culture Needs to Go Back to Sleep

Heard there were protests in Portland because Rittenhouse was acquitted. In my never-humble opinion, these folks just don’t like facts.  Ummm … pics, so it did happen.  Video, actually.  Do they not like self-defense?  Afroman (true superhero — killed a mega-million NFL career with a single knee) said that “white supremacy cannot be reformed” … …