Amazing Awesome But Still Just Human

Half shrilled at theKid recently.  Couldn’t rescue theKid, ‘cuz theKid was in the wrong. Part of the problem is theKid is usually/typically/ordinarily totally awesome extraordinary, so when theKid reveals human traits, such as fallibility, selfishness, or lack of thought, Half explodes all over theKid because the expectation is that theKid knows better. Which theKid does …

In America’s Recurring News …

Whelp, here we go again. Divergent paths and different travelers, yet the same destination. Daniel Perry killed Jordan Neely. Susan Lorincz killed Ajike “AJ” Owens. On May 1, 2023, Daniel Penny, a 24-year-old Marine vet, put Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless mental case, into a chokehold until Mr. Neely stopped breathing.  Apparently, Mr. Neely was …

Queue:  Wailing, Gnashing of Teeth

Perhaps it’s time to simply accept that this is who, what, and how we are. Americans, in America. We kill each other.  As opposed to baseball, that’s our real national pastime. So rather than continue to call for gun reform/control/restrictions, let’s just tally the body count(s) and send thoughts and prayers that the number of …

The Fault of Feminism; or Say Hello to Dr. & Ms. Frankenstein

Per the usual, it’s all men’s fault. Yes and that includes feminism too. The MF is feeling the repercussions of the standard man’s disengagement … send the societal message that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and that man will riiiiide on out. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Men …