Bloated ‘n Swole, the Sequel / AKA – More Fat

One aspect of the Great Debt Escape that methinks is discussed too oft-little is the cost of actually trying to live while getting out of debt. Yeh yeh yeh I know … reduce expenses, direct those savings to debt satisfaction, stop using cards … yadda-yadda, yadadadadada whatevs And I noticed that many of the debt-free …

Oops Might Not Ever Happen Again (Good)

There’s stat somewhere that says by 2030, 45 percent of US women will be single and childfree. Historically, across the human populations, approximately 80 percent of women reproduced, whereas only 40 percent of men did. Estimates for 2020 put women at about 3.8B women, and 3.86B men, or roughly 101.7 men for every 100 women.  …