Limping into the 21st Century

OK so Arizona just repealed its Civil War-era, pre-state admission to the Union, 1864 (yes, that is an “8”) ban re abortion, and must say methinks … that is really, really sad. No debt owed to modernity there, oh-ho-ho-no.  But they did repeal it, so that’s something.  Still … the laws in effect remain way …

Law of Unintended (or Maybe Intended?) Consequences

All this bru-hah-hah, all this strum ‘n drang, all this hullabaloo, makes me wonder just how (not)smart the Supremes really are. And how much of the Dobbs decision is rooted in the Supreme Court’s own demagoguery. Alabama (we can already see the problem there) recently ruled that embryos are actual people, despite having neither brain …

Talk Left / Live Right, or What I Said is Not What I Do

Well isn’t that interesting. Article by Brad Wilcox in the Atlantic discussed a book called, “Get Married,” and how the college-educated espouse alternative family types without actually embracing those alternatives themselves. Finish education. Establish career. Get married. Have kids. In that order.  Although those selfsame folks claim bastardizing children is no big deal, they themselves …

Population:  Controlled

As another year ends, the third after the “plandemic” (but not really because this “virus” doesn’t recognize its exaggerated demise and what, again, is that new variant?) and folks are still fighting going back into the office. Nobody wants to be there.  Nobody.  Yet employers refuse to recognize that.  It’s easier/better/preferable to just live at …