Stupid is as Stupid Does, or the Interminable Wisdom of Idiots

The deplorable MTG asked via twit that her followers(?) join her in prayer to end abortion in the US. She might as well pray for infertility of all women in the country while she’s at it. Only pregnant women need abortions, for a myriad of reasons, some of which are for convenience, some of which …

Look At The Blood!

Half called me “Multiple Miggs” the other day.  Methinks some would find that offensive. I, however, thought it was hilarious (“I bit my wrist …”) There is truly someone for everyone. Unless, of course, you are an MF. Saw not one but two different reports of DomVi between semi-lesbian couples, and methinks it begs the …

OK So That’s It?  All Better Now?

The Supremes are a collection of twits.  Well, not all of them, just the ones in majority control. Altho’ the latest couldn’t define “woman,” altho’ she is one, methinks, so she’s kind of shortbus too, but digress Anyhoo, the Supremes just eliminated one of the tools used to remedy generations of harm STILL HAPPENING BTW …

In America’s Recurring News …

Whelp, here we go again. Divergent paths and different travelers, yet the same destination. Daniel Perry killed Jordan Neely. Susan Lorincz killed Ajike “AJ” Owens. On May 1, 2023, Daniel Penny, a 24-year-old Marine vet, put Jordan Neely, a 30-year-old homeless mental case, into a chokehold until Mr. Neely stopped breathing.  Apparently, Mr. Neely was …