Rumor has it, Dave recently went on a rant about Israel’s … shall we say “reaction” ? … in Gaza to the events (atrocities? yeh) of Oct. 7th. There’s no video — because he doesn’t allow that — but first-person accounts relate that he was of the basic opinion that two wrongs don’t make it …

Fat Matty, the Second Horseman, and Car-Catching Dogs

OK, so … my question is:  Now what? Matt Gaetz, quintessentially repugnant roofie-slipper, charges-dropped, legacy-admission frat boy, decided it would be a good idea to boot the person third in line to the White House with no successor in mind/sight.  On the cusp of a government shut-down.  Before an election year. Dysfunctional, all. Nice.  And …

Leave That Right Where It is

It occurs to me, disturbingly, that there are many in the horsemen class who really don’t want the problems identified, addressed, or fixed. They like things just the way they are. Watched a … podcast?  Redpillfest?  Bimbo diatribe and manshaming?  Whatever. Anyhoo, the question was asked:  “Can a [horsemen] be a victim of racism?” Suppose …

Proper Respect

Mentioned ‘round these parts that theKid attends a private Christian school. Yaaaaayyyyy GOD!!! And at this private Christian school there is chapel. And at this chapel they sing songs. I can only imagine the smile on GOD’s face(s?) when HE hears children’s voices singing HIS praise. They raise the roof, those young ones do. Anyhoo, …