Will They Never Learn?  Will I?

Wanna hear something funny? I mean … laugh out loud—slap a thigh—wheeze-breathe hilarious? Got approved for another credit card.  Arrived in the mail today. HAH!  $5K.  With a 29.47-percent interest rate.  HAH!  Proof-positive that SOMEbody SOMEwhere will extend credit to even the most spendthrift, financially-irresponsible among us [imposter].  Gonna cost ya, but it’s there.  Half’s …

Woke Culture Needs to Go Back to Sleep

Heard there were protests in Portland because Rittenhouse was acquitted. In my never-humble opinion, these folks just don’t like facts.  Ummm … pics, so it did happen.  Video, actually.  Do they not like self-defense?  Afroman (true superhero — killed a mega-million NFL career with a single knee) said that “white supremacy cannot be reformed” … …

Monkey Mods, or the Latest on the Not-So-Greatest

Where am/are I/we/us on debt satisfaction? Same place, better location. Mentioned somewhere around here the receipt of a fall of wind, put that to better use than prior decisi0ons. Funnily — “don’t spend” works so well that I actually … don’t spend, & there’s oodles of satisfaction there. Still have to buy stuff, still ask …

It Feels So Good to be Right

hahahahahahahaha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Heh.  Loving this. Article in the Atlantic from October 22, 2021, says (and I’m quoting here):  “Stop Shopping.” hahahahahahahaha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Heh.  GOD is good all the time, and He’s right even more often than that. At present, …