Flesh & Blood … yes / Morals & Ethics … no

Speaking of spiritual wickedness in high places [Ephesians 6:12}, Clarry Tom got publicly busted but will not accept that and it would matter not at all if he did.  Apparently, for years, the second-least qualified member of the Supremes has been accepting … “gifts” … from a Texas billionaire (well there’s a problem) who finances …

Not Planning for the Future Doesn’t Guarantee There Won’t Be One

Have to admit:  never thought I’d make it to this age. Lived pretty reckless as a “yout.”  Live fast, die young, not sure how good-looking the corpse would have been but death is indiscriminate.  Bloated, black, and gassy all. Never thought I’d have kids (a kid) either, so there’s that. And one thing children give …

The Idiocy of Instagram, the Foolishness of Facebook, and the Execrable Existence of X

Recently, Half was, not shrilling at me, exactly, but there was definitely a tone. See, I refused to speak to the remote to find something, somewhere, on the TV, and Half got … exasperated. Told me it was time to get with the times. AI and the robot overlords make everything easier, no pressing buttons, …

The Fault of Feminism; or Say Hello to Dr. & Ms. Frankenstein

Per the usual, it’s all men’s fault. Yes and that includes feminism too. The MF is feeling the repercussions of the standard man’s disengagement … send the societal message that a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and that man will riiiiide on out. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Men …

GOD says “Get in Shape!” (and round doesn’t count)

Mentioned somewhere around these parts that I am fat. Not that I’m particularly disturbed by my fatness (waggy corpulence) but Half is which means I must be as well. So, that which brings us to fitness.  Fatness to fitness, what fun. Started on my … journey from fatness to fitness back in early 2022 … …