Monkey Mods, or the Latest on the Not-So-Greatest

Where am/are I/we/us on debt satisfaction? Same place, better location. Mentioned somewhere around here the receipt of a fall of wind, put that to better use than prior decisi0ons. Funnily — “don’t spend” works so well that I actually … don’t spend, & there’s oodles of satisfaction there. Still have to buy stuff, still ask …

It Feels So Good to be Right

hahahahahahahaha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Heh.  Loving this. Article in the Atlantic from October 22, 2021, says (and I’m quoting here):  “Stop Shopping.” hahahahahahahaha Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Heh.  GOD is good all the time, and He’s right even more often than that. At present, …

No, It Can’t Actually Buy Happiness BUT … the Peace of Mind It Can Purchase is Priceless

Dunno who came up with the slogan, Money can’t buy happiness [googling isn’t a word] but it sure as biscuits can make you less sad. I’m/we’re 90% certain that current problems in the co-parenting roommate relationship (oh wait—I meant “marriage”) are related to my wholesale indifference to money and Half’s total, unabashed commitment to it.  …