A Trip to the ThriftStore … yes

Interlude Prior to Half, my thoughts on spending re plates and such was dumb. Spent thousands on VHS/DVDs, but those were investments. So WHAT if the tech is dead. Now, however, I/we realize that eating exclusively off paper/plastic is tres gauche, so … kitchen utensils are in order. BUT! Spending on plates and stuff that …

If We’re at the Top of the Food Chain, How Come We Still Get Eaten?

Back in the summer of 1916, during a heat wave and polio epidemic, a few people around New Jersey got eaten by sharks … and 60 years later the summer blockbuster was born.  Jaws was awesome. The title alone brings shivers … nice one, Mr. Benchley Made people afraid to go in the water. From …

A Cardboard Box could be, Technically, a House

… if you’re five, and your parents just purchased a new fridge (more stuff!), and you have a backyard, and you can play in that box as a playhouse in your backyard of the home your parents bought.  That you live in.  When you’re five.  Instead of the cardboard box used as make-believe. HOWEVER! … …

Do You Need That Of Course Not

Another handy little Credit Circus psychop mankind master magic trick … “disposable income” … “money” that is to be thrown away, or otherwise disposed of … Yehriteno. Discretionary income is probably an apter term (yehIseddit); that is, money available to make some decisions, good or bad.  Donate or blow … exercise greater discretion (HA!) in …

Eat THIS! #2, or … FoodPots No. 1

Another approach to sustaining life with minimal expense is a potmess of food.  As a single dish, throw in some meat, maybe veggies/probably not, pasta or rice, a sauce … white/cheesy, red/spaghetti-y, gravypack&water … ovenbake or stovecook … feeds the whole family … daily food=fuel problem=done.  Half will usually just shovel it in, or forego …

The Gorilla of Foolishness – Current Ed.

Fed the monkey a bit last month … considered for a good purpose, tho’. Call it a necessary annual expense.  Half got happy; theKid had grins. So … Motivation #1/#2 were in good spaces. So … if feeding the monkey just a bit to get them there … under controlled, laboratory conditions … totally worth …