Better Living Through Not Being an A**hole

I may have stated earlier that I am a horrible person, and actively relish being so. I don’t like people. Overall, people are usually a disappointment, and unnecessary frustration. HOWEVER Individuals are occasionally OK. My spouse is an individual, and although I am still uncertain as to why Half remains betrothed to thee I am …


I wonder if GOD! still speaks through prophets, or if man’s disconnection is so deep that GOD! decided we could only get to Him “through the Son,” such that He’s not sending any more spiritual town criers, as it were. But if He did, I think maybe Earl might possibly could have been a good …

well, He did speak the universe into existence, so …

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOD shut down the world again. This time, He did it with a breath. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA On Tuesday, March 23, 2021, the Ever Given, a cargo ship 220,000 tons heavy and the length of the Empire State building, was BLOWN SIDEWAYS DURING A SANDSTORM {Job 38:24} in the Suez Canal – one the busiest shipping …