A Cardboard Box could be, Technically, a House

… if you’re five, and your parents just purchased a new fridge (more stuff!), and you have a backyard, and you can play in that box as a playhouse in your backyard of the home your parents bought.  That you live in.  When you’re five.  Instead of the cardboard box used as make-believe. HOWEVER! … …

Avoid MORE than plague, or the Gub’mnt Intends to Destroy You

Can’t find proof in the intersphere, but I/we/most of us are quite certain the information is out there, just hasn’t been uploaded yet … wat? It could happen. Heard an … account of an incident involving a federal income tax dodger, whom the Gub’mnt suspected of faking his death. At some point, the Gub’mnt ordered …

Do You Need That Of Course Not

Another handy little Credit Circus psychop mankind master magic trick … “disposable income” … “money” that is to be thrown away, or otherwise disposed of … Yehriteno. Discretionary income is probably an apter term (yehIseddit); that is, money available to make some decisions, good or bad.  Donate or blow … exercise greater discretion (HA!) in …

You, yes YOU

On some level, I thought that only Americans were actually, actively stupid.  Oh!ho! was I wrong. Humans are stupid ehhv-ree-way-yer … like, internationally. How sad. I was watching car wrecks on the Tubes ofYou (tol’ja) and now have the unfortunate visual memory of large animals being subjected to the microcosm of man’s idiocy … an …

Better Living Through Not Being an A**hole

I may have stated earlier that I am a horrible person, and actively relish being so. I don’t like people. Overall, people are usually a disappointment, and unnecessary frustration. HOWEVER Individuals are occasionally OK. My spouse is an individual, and although I am still uncertain as to why Half remains betrothed to thee I am …

the Tao of Half – See That Monkey on a Treadmill

Half works for money to put money to work. Wat genius Half doesn’t like Half’s debt monkey. Half actually refused a debt monkey, still worked job and got stuff, and then was punished for it. See, part of the Credit Circus participation requirement is that if one initially refuses to perform in the Credit Circus, …