Cut ‘Em Off, On Their Knees

Methinks me wonders at times the amount of a child’s potential lost because the adults don’t know how to adult. Mentioned (several times) before that theKid is involved in sports, like heavily, like more than one team/sport/activity.  Anyhoo … There are some kids on some of those teams who only play intermittently because – get …

Bloated ‘n Swole, the Sequel / AKA – More Fat

One aspect of the Great Debt Escape that methinks is discussed too oft-little is the cost of actually trying to live while getting out of debt. Yeh yeh yeh I know … reduce expenses, direct those savings to debt satisfaction, stop using cards … yadda-yadda, yadadadadada whatevs And I noticed that many of the debt-free …

Intolerance for Everyone!

Just read a news blurb re a restaurant’s denial of service to a Christian group.  Said the restaurant was committed to inclusivity and the waitstaff would feel uncomfortable, based on the group’s views. Is not that not what that is? Hmmm … Heard a radio confession where a woman thought she and her husband had …

Getting Closer, and Closer

Well here’s some good news, and right in time for that global (well, in the West at least) heathenistic annual celebration of consumption and excess expenditure. Apparently, there have been some recent archaeological discoveries that further support the Bible. Well who knew?  GOD apparently, but people just get uncomfortable around HIM … that whole sin …

Never Concede Defeat (Unless You Lost Then Yes)

OK so with the holiday season looming, I took a look at the debt repayment/satisfaction progress and … well.  Not so good. The rules still apply — Don’t Spend If Spend Spend Wisely — as well as the 7Qs … however, despite, nevertheless, unfortunately, well … progress has … not halted, not exactly, but shall …

Like Clockwork … or Herpes

The holidays are inflicted upon us, once again, as the year draws to a close. Mayhap guessed … not a fan of the annual spending traditions. Food prices are up eleventy-million percent, gas is worse (if that is even possible), and average ‘Murricans are expected to repeat the debt cycle with exorbitant expenditures on meals, …