There IS a bright side and it just happens to be thermonuclear

There’s a YouTube channel – debtmonkeytv – truly hateful viewing (even for me) with plenty of English distain and lots of cockney mocking — “Hi I’m Ben and I’m the Debt Monkey!” (so happy) … BTW don’t bother; life is short enough as it is, no need to waste it on that—and I’m 97% sure …


“They” keep saying it could have been so much worse, “it” being Wednesday, January 6, 2021, the day insurrectionists attempted a coup to overthrow the US Government at the instigation of a one-term, lame duck president.  That’s what actually happened, and it was an inside job.  Lotta not-patriots shouting “YOU-ESS-SAY!” Also, Epstein didn’t kill himself.  …