Willful Ignorance, AKA Idiots in Charge

Real quick – the federal judiciary purposefully misreads the US Constitution. First – the 2nd Amendment gives me (yes me as a private citizen) the right to hand grenades, rocket launchers, and high-capacity, fully-automatic machine guns.  Change my mind. A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the …

Women: Can’t Live With ‘Em, Can’t Bury ‘Em Out Back

Might be a little late to this (surprisenot) but one of the favorite people I didn’t know died recently, reportedly of a massive heart attack, perhaps even in flagrante delicto … globulos exposite, as it (maybe) were. The really offensive yet wholly unsurprising aspect of his death was the reaction of so many of the …


Here’s an offensive joke (aren’t all the good ones?) that might trigger — geddit? no? not yet —some folks.  Forget ‘em if they have no sense of humor/irony/perspective (?) … What’s the difference between the typical white guy and an active shooter on a murderous rampage?One has no respect for life, lacks basic humanity, and …