
Saw a CBN story from about a year ago … China is switching to digital currency to go along with that social credit score. That way, the Chinese Communist Gub’mnt can monitor/track all spending, every financial transaction, every purchase, and — if disapproved — can cut off the user’s access to funds immediately in real …

Fewer with Less

Just finished a delightful little read about the pending collapse of civilization— “An Inconvenient Apocalypse” — and I must say … well done.  Mostly, anyway.  Even taught me a new word:  “ecocide.” Basically, these two first-world, over-privileged aging white guys are proclaiming “game over,” and it’s time to find a new way to be. “Species …

Oops Might Not Ever Happen Again (Good)

There’s stat somewhere that says by 2030, 45 percent of US women will be single and childfree. Historically, across the human populations, approximately 80 percent of women reproduced, whereas only 40 percent of men did. Estimates for 2020 put women at about 3.8B women, and 3.86B men, or roughly 101.7 men for every 100 women.  …