You, yes YOU

On some level, I thought that only Americans were actually, actively stupid.  Oh!ho! was I wrong. Humans are stupid ehhv-ree-way-yer … like, internationally. How sad. I was watching car wrecks on the Tubes ofYou (tol’ja) and now have the unfortunate visual memory of large animals being subjected to the microcosm of man’s idiocy … an …

Better Living Through Not Being an A**hole

I may have stated earlier that I am a horrible person, and actively relish being so. I don’t like people. Overall, people are usually a disappointment, and unnecessary frustration. HOWEVER Individuals are occasionally OK. My spouse is an individual, and although I am still uncertain as to why Half remains betrothed to thee I am …


I wonder if GOD! still speaks through prophets, or if man’s disconnection is so deep that GOD! decided we could only get to Him “through the Son,” such that He’s not sending any more spiritual town criers, as it were. But if He did, I think maybe Earl might possibly could have been a good …

the Tao of Half – See That Monkey on a Treadmill

Half works for money to put money to work. Wat genius Half doesn’t like Half’s debt monkey. Half actually refused a debt monkey, still worked job and got stuff, and then was punished for it. See, part of the Credit Circus participation requirement is that if one initially refuses to perform in the Credit Circus, …

Eat THIS! #2, or … FoodPots No. 1

Another approach to sustaining life with minimal expense is a potmess of food.  As a single dish, throw in some meat, maybe veggies/probably not, pasta or rice, a sauce … white/cheesy, red/spaghetti-y, gravypack&water … ovenbake or stovecook … feeds the whole family … daily food=fuel problem=done.  Half will usually just shovel it in, or forego …